HazMat chemical absorbent pillows are made of a surfactant-treated polypropylene designed for absorption of a wide range of chemicals, including hydrofluoric acid. They are chemically inert and will not react with aggressive fluids. The bright yellow color with red logo signals emergency and eliminates guesswork. In the event of a chemical spill, you'll always know which absorbents to use. Ideal for use in labs, hospitals, nuclear power facilities, and any industrial application where aggressive fluids are used.
Chemical absorbent pillows are effective with even the most aggressive fluids These absorbent pillows are ideal for persistent machinery and hose leaks and are best used with drip pans and are also an essential part of any hazmat spill kit. They are ideal for hazmat spill cleanup, spill containment and chemical response spill cleanup. chemcial spill response absorbents are effective with all fluids - Including hydrofluoric, sulfuric, nitric, phosphoric, hydrochloric acids and other harsh chemicals and provide superior performance without product degradation.
*Designed to absorb aggressive fluids, acids & caustics.
*Ideal for cleaning up larger chemical spills that have been encircled with absorbent socks.
*Yellow in colour for easy identification, correct selection of PPE and appropriate disposal.
*With abrasion resistance material, durable, non-linting.
*increase of tensile strength, reused. Data Sheet of Chemical Control Pillows