Sacrificial Anode of Zinc-Aluminum-Cadmium Alloy

Sacrificial Anode of Zinc-Aluminum-Cadmium Alloy:
This GB/T4950-2002 standard specifies the classification, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of sacrificial anodes for zn-aluminum-cadmium alloys (hereinafter referred to as sacrificial anodes).
It applies to the temperature below 50 ºC and resistivity less than 15 Ω m. seawater, brackish water, soil and other electrolytes of metal components the sacrificial anode cathodic protection with the design, fabrication, inspection, storage, etc., including shipping, port facilities, ocean engineering, buried metal pipeline, storage tank, seawater cooling water system such as the sacrificial anode cathodic protection for steel structure.
Zinc anode is the protection you need for your boat's metallic parts. Referred to as sacrificial anodes, these anodes are placed over and connected to the metallic parts of your boat that need protection from electrolysis-caused corrosion.
Galvanic corrosion can only occur when two electrochemically different metals are close to one another and also submerged in an electrolytic liquid (such as salt water).
sacrificial anodes were designed to protect the structural components of the vessel,deyuan marine offer a wide variety of size and shape for option.
Advantages of zinc anodes:
Zinc anodes are better than other metals at "sloughing" off any film buildup, exposing fresh zinc alloy to the water, allowing the anode to be continuously electro-chemically active.
When should zinc anodes be replaced?
Zincs should be replaced when about half of the anode has been lost to corrosion. Ideally we want that to occur not more frequently than annually. The longevity of a sacrificial zinc anode is a function of its weight. When a zinc lasts less than a year, you need one with more weight.
All our zinc anode can provide CCS,ABS,BV certificate if needed,pls donot hesitate to contact us for further discussion.
Technical Parameters of Sacrificial Anode of Zinc-Aluminum-Cadmium Alloy